Dear body,
I've neglected you for so long and slacked off so much. I talk all this talk about getting in shape and what have I done? Nothing. I find the words, but they're always nouns never verbs. My body doesn't like me anymore. Maybe (ok not maybe) I am lethargic. I am lazy, but deep down I dont want to be.
I want you to shine and be great. I want you to be amazing and spectacular. But I know you cant, if I keep enabling you. I need a 12 step program. I truly do.
I need to take a real good look at us in the mirror and ask myself what motivates me to make you better:
Is it my .......
1. Jiggly tummy?
2. Back fat?
3. Tiredness of admiring celebrities or anyone with a flat tummy
What's a girl to do?