About Me

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Hey young world! Our names are Tiana and Kanae. Recently, we vowed to make some lifestyle changes. We wanted to lose weight, eat right and workout more. We've tried before and already knew our journey would be hard especially if we tried to do it by ourselves. So we came together and promised to motivate and encourage each other as we made our lifestyle changes. This blog is dedicated to our journey. Welcome!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

dear body

Dear body,

I've neglected you for so long and slacked off so much. I talk all this talk about getting in shape and what have I done? Nothing. I find the words, but they're always nouns never verbs. My body doesn't like me anymore. Maybe (ok not maybe) I am lethargic. I am lazy, but deep down I dont want to be.

I want you to shine and be great. I want you to be amazing and spectacular. But I know you cant, if I keep enabling you. I need a 12 step program. I truly do.

I need to take a real good look at us in the mirror and ask myself what motivates me to make you better:

Is it my .......
1. Jiggly tummy?
2. Back fat?
3. Tiredness of admiring celebrities or anyone with a flat tummy

What's a girl to do?
Get in gear! Get in gear! Its so hard! I need to get you right and get it tight.

Maybe if I set a goal and reward myself , I will find some motivation, and I do like rewarding myself. Perhaps a new Coach purse or an iPhone 5 when it comes out. I do like them both.

I hope by bribing myself I can get it together.

Target Month: August
Goal: Drop 5-7 lbs
Reward: Gadget or Purse


Your Slumlord Owner, Kanae

I promised Tiana I would weigh in by the end of the week.

Weight # coming soon!


  1. No iPhone for me! I got a new, upgraded phone on the way. So thats not a motivation.

    How about a purse or some customized shoes from Milk and Honey!

    Love it!

    Ready set go
