About Me

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Hey young world! Our names are Tiana and Kanae. Recently, we vowed to make some lifestyle changes. We wanted to lose weight, eat right and workout more. We've tried before and already knew our journey would be hard especially if we tried to do it by ourselves. So we came together and promised to motivate and encourage each other as we made our lifestyle changes. This blog is dedicated to our journey. Welcome!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

food log for today

Hi all,

My food log for today:

1. 2 Cokes
2. Oatmeal (Maple Syrup and Brown Sugar)
3. Lean Cuisine (Roasted Chicken and Spinach)
4. Potato Chips
5. 2 Grilled Cheese and Ham Sandwichs

I know what you are thinking. This is in no way sounds like I am trying to lose weight or tone.


Grade for the day is:  F

Stats from SparkPeople

Activitiy: Pilates


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

dear body

Dear body,

I've neglected you for so long and slacked off so much. I talk all this talk about getting in shape and what have I done? Nothing. I find the words, but they're always nouns never verbs. My body doesn't like me anymore. Maybe (ok not maybe) I am lethargic. I am lazy, but deep down I dont want to be.

I want you to shine and be great. I want you to be amazing and spectacular. But I know you cant, if I keep enabling you. I need a 12 step program. I truly do.

I need to take a real good look at us in the mirror and ask myself what motivates me to make you better:

Is it my .......
1. Jiggly tummy?
2. Back fat?
3. Tiredness of admiring celebrities or anyone with a flat tummy

What's a girl to do?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slacking off something serious!! ............Last 10-15 lbs are the hardest ????

OMG!!!  I am slacking off something serious! I haven't worked out in a couple weeks now.  But on a good note, I am still watching what I eat.  AND.. I haven't gained weight back! Whew! So that's good.... However, I have commenced losing any.

One thing I did realize after not losing weight these couple of weeks, is that  working out and losing calories that way is what was helping me lose the 1 lb a week.  Another thing I realized is that I have somewhat learned how to eat to maintain my weight. I have lost about 5-6 lbs thus far and I keep hearing, "the last 10 -15 lbs are the hardest", and I'm trying not to get discouraged.

I have a big test coming up early next month and I'm using all my free time to study.  After the test, I think I'll get back to running. But for now, I have to focus on my test.  I am still watching what I eat, which has helped to keep me steady or lose a little bit while not working out.

These are some things you should know while watching what you eat and exercising:

1.)  3500 cal = 1 lb

2.) You need to find out how much energy you burn doing your regular daily tasks. For example:
I went to this website and put in my sex, weight, height, age and my normal activity is low so I chose a Sedentary lifestyle.  My BMI came back as 27.1 and for my height I should have a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 or 108 to 146 lbs. However, please note that BMI does not take into account your body composition. So it's not taking into account that I have a huge chest which doesn't go down much as I lose weight.  My goal is about 145 to 150 lbs.  My daily energy burned came out to be 2038 Cal per day.  This means that if I take in 2038 calories per day, I will maintain my current weight.  Now here is the important part.  If you decrease your intake by 500 calories per day, you will lose a pound a week.  You have to create a deficiency in the amount you burn regularly ( 2038 for me) to start to lose the weight. See how it works below:

2038 cal - to maintain my weight daily
  500 cal - decrease to calorie intake daily (by eating less cals or exercising)
1538 cal - new daily calorie intake to lose a pound a week

(-500 cal x 7 days = -3500 cal or 1lb per week lost)

People who are looking to gain weight can use the same strategy.

2038 cal - to maintain my weight daily

  500 cal - increase to calorie intake daily


2538 cal - new daily calorie intake to gain a pound a week

(500 cal x 7 days = 3500 cal or 1lb per week gained)

 So if you decrease by 750 cals per day then:

(-750 cal x 7 days = -5250 cal  (5250/3500= 1.5) or 1.5 lbs per week lost)

And further more if you decrease by 1000 cals per day then:

(-1000 cal x 7 days = -7000 cal  (7000/3500= 2) or 2 lbs per week lost)

Please note, most Health Websites advise you to take in at least 1200 Calories a day. So please stick to the goal of 1 to 1.5 lbs per week.  Depending on where you are in your process you may drop off more than that per week. However, remember that we are trying to promote healthy lifestyle changes, and not a quick fix.

Hope this helped you all like it helped me!!


Monday, March 7, 2011

more water more water

Hi all,

As winter is still in full swing, I have found myself suffering from a lack of H20. I have not kept my body hydrated and unfortunately it is lashing out at me. I have dry skin, scalp, and lips. NOT HOT!

I know everyone stresses the importance of water, but it didn't really kick in until my lips became a nightmare this winter. They are constantly peeling and cracking, which is slightly embarrassing and definitely another NOT HOT moment. After hearing it from B, my family and friends and reading about it multiple times a day, I  have decided to take on the responsibility and accountability hydrating my body.

Sounds simple right. Sounds like you should already know this Kanae. I know, but over the course of the years, I have decreased my water and increased my pop. Thus resulting in the aforementioned problems and a slight factor in my weight gain. So when am I going to stop complaining and do something about it? Today!

As Ash Wednesday approaches and I begin my 40 day sacrifice/commitment, I plan to do the impossible for me. I plan to drink at minimum 64 ounces of water and 0 ounces of pop/juice. Can I do it? Lets hope!

I hear that you should possibly drink half of your weight in ounces of water. For instance, I am 160 and should be drinking 80 ounces. Yikes. I am not there yet. I will start with 64.

Its important to keep your body hydrated. If you're like me, you don't drink enough step your game up. If you workout (which I haven't fully gotten in the swing of things), you need to step your game up.

Here are few perks of water:

  1. Helps with metabolism
  2. Detoxifies
  3. Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories
  4. Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increase skin elasticity.
  5. Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy.

Get ready! Get set! And go............drink some water!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Embrace the FRIZZZZZZZZZ.................!!!

As women, we love to primp and prime ourselves.  One thing that goes into that process is getting our hair done! When we get our hair done up it puts an extra pep in our step and makes us feel put together and even more confident. We can put on a HOT outfit, some cute make up but if our hair isn't fixed, then the look is not complete.

I have natural hair, but even when I had relaxed hair I would hate to sweat out my perm! LOL.. With natural hair my sweat may cause some frizz or worse depending on the style I am wearing.  Sometimes I get my hair straightened and then I really don't want to work out and revert it back.

So then I find  myself questioning whether I should work out or keep my hair looking fly??????

I have to take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture. My health and my body IS the bigger picture. My hair is just a small part of the picture.So far I've been managing ok, just ok... but I will do some research on some protective styles so that even while I'm on this weight loss kick, I can still look good while doing it! =D

Please send me suggestions if you have any!  I will try to update you all on things that works for my hair while I'm working out.  But for now... I will EMBRACE my FRIZZINESS!! =) (It's not the end of the world)


my confession

Hi all,

Womp womp!

I've been such a slacker. Ever since I went to San Diego for my trip, I have been a true slacker. I have eaten and drank with no restrictions. Whats worse! I didn't workout at all. Then on top of that, Mother Nature made a visit so I gave into all my cravings.

I feel so horrible. So I have rededicated myself and started again. I know at times there will be off days and I will fall short. But the message I got is we all fall down, but we must get back up.

As Hannibal Smith says "I love it when a plan comes together." So with that in mind, I will attack this mission with a fresh perspective and new plan.

Step 1: Take it a day at a time

Step 2: Plan for the next day and if I get good, plan for the week.

Step 3: Stick to the plan as best as possible but remember no one is perfect.

Step 4: Be realistic

So with a renewed strength, tomorrow is the start of a new day. I still have time to get it together before the bday trip in May.

Plan for Thursday:

Breakfast: Orange juice, toast, scrambled egg
Snack: Cheerios
Lunch: Cheeseburger, Whole Wheat Bread,  Fruit Cup
Snack: Popcorn
Dinner: ??
Activity: Yoga

I'll check back in on Thursday evening to let you know how it goes.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 2 - Running isn't so bad after all! =)

So I'm in week two of my running routine according to this website: http://www.c25k.com/c25k_treadmill.html and its not as bad as I thought it would be!  If you remember in an earlier post, I stated that I hate running.  The main reason is because it usually hurt my knees.  Running on the treadmill feels like it offer me a little more cushion than running on concrete. However, when the weather warm up, I plan on taking this party outside! =)

One thing that I did learn from this website:http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/default.htm that Kanae wrote a post about is that even though running will lower my calories which ultimately will help me lose weight, I also need to add some weight lifting to my routine. Lifting weights will build muscle and help tone the area I'm going after (mainly my back and abs). I don't want to do any heavy lifting which will cause me to bulk up.  I plan to do light lifting with a lot of repetitions to tone the area.

Since I run for 3 days a week, I think I will do my toning exercises either on the same days after I run or on my exercise day offs.  I plan on doing the following exercises found here.  I'm going after my back first! I'll let you know if I see any differences =)

Positives so far
- I'm doing great at watching what I eat
- I'm snacking on more healthy items like nuts, trailmix
- I'm sticking to my running routine.

Need Improvement
- Although I'm drinking more water, I still don't drink 8 cups a day. I average about 5-6 cups a day.

I plan to stick this thing out and I'm trying not to get discouraged because I want to see immediate results.  I know slow and steady will win this race!
