About Me

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Hey young world! Our names are Tiana and Kanae. Recently, we vowed to make some lifestyle changes. We wanted to lose weight, eat right and workout more. We've tried before and already knew our journey would be hard especially if we tried to do it by ourselves. So we came together and promised to motivate and encourage each other as we made our lifestyle changes. This blog is dedicated to our journey. Welcome!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 2 - Running isn't so bad after all! =)

So I'm in week two of my running routine according to this website: http://www.c25k.com/c25k_treadmill.html and its not as bad as I thought it would be!  If you remember in an earlier post, I stated that I hate running.  The main reason is because it usually hurt my knees.  Running on the treadmill feels like it offer me a little more cushion than running on concrete. However, when the weather warm up, I plan on taking this party outside! =)

One thing that I did learn from this website:http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/default.htm that Kanae wrote a post about is that even though running will lower my calories which ultimately will help me lose weight, I also need to add some weight lifting to my routine. Lifting weights will build muscle and help tone the area I'm going after (mainly my back and abs). I don't want to do any heavy lifting which will cause me to bulk up.  I plan to do light lifting with a lot of repetitions to tone the area.

Since I run for 3 days a week, I think I will do my toning exercises either on the same days after I run or on my exercise day offs.  I plan on doing the following exercises found here.  I'm going after my back first! I'll let you know if I see any differences =)

Positives so far
- I'm doing great at watching what I eat
- I'm snacking on more healthy items like nuts, trailmix
- I'm sticking to my running routine.

Need Improvement
- Although I'm drinking more water, I still don't drink 8 cups a day. I average about 5-6 cups a day.

I plan to stick this thing out and I'm trying not to get discouraged because I want to see immediate results.  I know slow and steady will win this race!



  1. Yeah! I hate weight lifting but good luck!!!!!!!!!!

    Kudos on keeping up the routine.

    I need to fit yoga and cardio in tonight before I pack.

  2. Thanks!!! We're each others motivation!

    MOTIVATION (In my TI voice) Ohh! I think I need to put that on the workout playlist =)

  3. Go TT Go TT!! Its not so bad doing it in stages. Slow and steady indeed!!
    I love lifting and hate cardio! Chase the burn!! lol
