About Me

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Hey young world! Our names are Tiana and Kanae. Recently, we vowed to make some lifestyle changes. We wanted to lose weight, eat right and workout more. We've tried before and already knew our journey would be hard especially if we tried to do it by ourselves. So we came together and promised to motivate and encourage each other as we made our lifestyle changes. This blog is dedicated to our journey. Welcome!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Few Days In

Hi all,

Its a new day, a new me. Last night, I took my pictures and boy are they yukky. I dont even know if I want to upload them. I know maybe if I post them I will be more inclined to do something about it. So out of sheer embarrassment, I may hold off. Lets just say, I became aware.

I did take my measurements.

Bust: 38
Waist: 29
Hips: 39

According to this one site, http://www.shopyourshape.com/content/view/19/36/, I have a hourglass body type yet yesterday when I was unsure of my hip measurements and just entered my bust and waist, I was a spoon.

Hourglass Body Type is the body type that most women strive for. Your bust and hips are well balanced and you have a beautifully defined waist. Your have gently rounded shoulders that align nicely with your hips. Your waist is obvious and gracefully curves out to your hips. You most likely have a rounded bottom and beautiful side as well as front profile. Your upper body is proportionate in length to your legs which are shapely. From top to bottom, you are a picture of harmony and balance.

A Spoon I guess is a modified Hourglass. As a Spoon Body type (sometimes called figure 8), your hips are larger than your bust and you have a defined to somewhat defined waist. Your hips have a “shelf” appearance and you are prone to gaining weight in your tummy and have a tendency towards love-handles. While you may gain weight in your upper thighs and upper arms, you lower legs and arms are shapely and your best assets.

Either way, those are my measurements.

Anywho, I am using SparkPeople to monitor both my fitness and food intake. So far, I have not gone over my alotted calories ( 1240-1590), but those carbs get me sometimes. I am pleased with myself that I have actually been logging in my food, which I thought was going to be the hard part. Kudos to me, I am 4 points away from reaching my next trophy. Now, I need to get on this workout kit. Go hard or go home! I went to bootcamp here at www.thebootcampguy.com It was a little (okay maybe a lot) hard. Heck, I am still sore. I wont give up though.

~Working out (I need to find the time and motivation)
~Not giving into those mother nature cravings
~Putting up those pictures

~Logging in my food
~Drinking more water
~Talking about goals


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