About Me

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Hey young world! Our names are Tiana and Kanae. Recently, we vowed to make some lifestyle changes. We wanted to lose weight, eat right and workout more. We've tried before and already knew our journey would be hard especially if we tried to do it by ourselves. So we came together and promised to motivate and encourage each other as we made our lifestyle changes. This blog is dedicated to our journey. Welcome!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Slow Down..... You got all day!

Yesterday I felt like I wanted to Vomit.. I mean for real vomit.. Do you want to know why???  Because I drank 40oz of water (of my 64oz goal) in the course of about 45 mins!  That's 5 cups of water! My logic was why don't I do it while I'm thinking about it; while I'm motivated to do it.  And it left me feeling really sick and running to the bathroom (#1 of course =P)  I am extremely bad about drinking water. I can go days and not drink it. I don't remember being this bad about it in the past but at some point my view of water changed.

God made our bodies like he made earth; both need water to survive.  If all the oceans, rivers, steams, ponds, etc. seize to exist, then all beings and the earth would eventually dry up.  Water is very essential to our bodies as most know and not getting enough causes dehydration.  However, before you even get to the point of dehydration, your body try to hold on to as much water as possible if it is not getting enough.  This is commonly known as "Water Weight".  No mater how crazy we may try to treat our body, our body knows what's up.  When we try to starve ourselves, our body goes into defense mode and start holding on to all the Fat it can store up for energy.  And when we don't drink enough water, our body goes into defense mode as well, and start to store water to hydrate itself, if you're not going to do it.  Eating a lot of food high in sodium causes your body to hold onto water also.  What's the first thing you do when you eat something salty? You go to wash it down with water.  Our bodies try to do the same thing by retaining the water.  Why not try to help our bodies out by drinking water and lowering our sodium intake?!

In order to lose this water weight along with be healthier, we must get our recommended daily ounces of water.  The recommended amount is 8 cups/ 64 oz.  Do more if you can!  But the key word is DAILY! Which means I have 24hrs to get 64 oz in me! Its shouldn't be that hard.  I made my self sick out of shear laziness.  I figured, let me get it out the way now so that I won't have to think about it (or get back out of my seat at work).  But I must remember, this is a life changing thing I'm doing.  I don't want to have to think about it; just do it! 

So I must SLOW Down, because I really do have all day to do the RIGHT thing! A slow gradual change is a lasting one!



  1. Yes you should ration out your water and not to do it in the same span of time. Too much water can be toxic. Water intoxication and hyponatremia are a result!

  2. Dont forget to drink it throughtout the day

  3. Will do! Working on my first 20oz now! =)
